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Apply These 3 Secrets Techniques To Improve Skin Care Routine

Typically, we think about skin in terms of what we might apply to it. But thinking about your face in terms of skin health is just as critical as curating the ideal skin care routine. Skin, as the largest organ in our bodies, is affected by our overall health in the same way that our lungs, brain, and heart are.

Our skincare routine changes from time to time and it’s been a bit when you updated to use new product.  Some of them are a success, some of them are a miss, and some of them are definitely not going to happen because there are so many good products (and brands) on the market, and it takes about 30 days to see a difference in your skin. As a user you have been tried and true products that never sway from (or so you say), but as a user you may think it’s important to try out new or trending products to share your thoughts with others.

Since we all have different skin types, what works for me might not work for you, and vice versa, but I hope that sharing my personal experience will assist some of you in finding products that you enjoy and that work well for your skin.

1. Cleanse

girl in towel

First and foremost, do use a cleanser. You may have learned that washing your face with soap in the morning isn't important, but my dermatologist told me differently. Cleansing your face should be your first priority, regardless of how you go about it—not just because it helps eliminate impurities and dead surface cells, but also because any product you add afterward can absorb deeper into your skin.

2. Correct

correcting cream

It's time to get down to business now that your face is clean. The correcting phase, according to beauty expert is “where the targeted treatment happens,” and may involve masking, pore cleansing, and/or serums with concentrated ingredients to fix a particular problem.

3. Protect

Yes, we're reminding you to use sunscreen every day, but protecting your skin also means bolstering its natural moisture barrier. “The most important thing you can do for healthy skin is maintain the skin's barrier,” Reese says, and the easiest way to do that is by using the right moisturizer.

You can read all the fancy product packages and learn about skin care, or you can simply take advice from real people like you. Start with these beauty bloggers, that are well in — and admittedly fond of — the variety of treatments, lotions, and potions available.

This 3-step routine can helped you achieve that glow while keeping your skin clear. Most of you  may suffer from acne and have sensitive skin, so if you’re in the same boat, I think you may find these products helpful too.

Let’s get into it!